You’ve probably heard by now, chemicals aren’t very cool and especially when used on the body. The skin is the largest organ on the body and what we put on it is just as important as what we put in it. You might not even be aware that between 30-90% of all chemicals rubbed on the skins surface gets absorbed directly into the body. Pretty scary stuff right?
So if you're like me and have read, seen and heard enough about how dangerous these chemicals are in homes and around ourselves and children, you’re looking for that one product that you can’t just go a buy off of the supermarket shelf and that’s a deodorant that isn’t made out of all the nasty chemicals traditionally found in the big market brands.
With our armpits being one of the most sensitive areas on our body, it is kind of scary to think what we happily spray on every morning could actually have some pretty serious long-term health effects.
Hence Natural Deodorant! But what exactly is natural deodorant??
Well we here at Tankis like to break this up and look at the natural first. Natural to us means something that’s already from the earth, produced by nature and isn’t made by man. We have about 9 core ingredients that we use to produce what we think is the best natural deodorant out on the market, such as New Zealand Beeswax, Essential oils, Kaolin clay, Coconut oil and Shea butter just to name some.
All of these ingredients were chosen because of the natural properties they contain such as shea butter, which helps to moisturise the skin making it easy for the armpits to take in all of the other ingredients and kaolin clay which when it comes into contact with toxins, chemicals or heavy metals will work really hard to absorb all the bad stuff.
This makes it a great way to easily transition over to natural deodorant as for a lot of people, the amount of metals and toxins build up over time and when getting rid of the conventional antiperspirants that you usually use, the body just wants to sweat these out at a massive pace as part of it’s own detox period.
Deodorant is a little bit different. It doesn’t actually stop you from sweating….. Wait WHAT? Doesn’t that mean I’m going to stink?
No not at all. The bacteria in the sweat causes the stink but not the sweat itself. Mind blown yet?
You see there are these things called apocrine glands which are really unique where they produce sweat that can be very high in proteins and the eccrine glans produce sweat which is very salty, making it extremely hard for the bacteria to break down the proteins and this is what causes the stink. So it’s not actually the sweat that stinks, it’s the bacteria.
Antiperspirants work by using aluminium to dissolve into the moisture on the skin and create a gel barrier which temporarily block the sweat glands from producing so much sweat but this can also cause the toxins to clog up lymph nodes around the armpits and breasts which has been heavily debated as a possible cause for breast cancer. We aren’t on either band wagon of the study, simply put, we just believe that man made chemicals and humans don’t mix all that well and can lead to a bunch of really dangerous side effects that we still don’t even know enough about.
With our deodorant, every unique ingredient has a place on your pit to combat the stink the natural way and with our amazing formula, Tankis deodorants quickly absorb sweat, mask the unwanted odours and keep you sweet and smelling great all day long. Even better is that it’s all natural so you don’t need to worry about all those harmful chemicals being absorbed into your body.
Now we aren’t hippies, nor are we new age health gurus, we just understand that chemicals equal bad and nature equals good and we wanted to create a product that didn’t cost your contribution to KiwiSaver every week and actually did the job that it reckons it was going to do.